So, lately I've been asked a lot about how to spot a fake YSL arty they are quite 'new' to the market so it may be more difficult to spot an authentic and a fake replica.
The first obvious thing to look out for is the price. YSL rings are usually sold for about $250 altough they could be found at a cheaper price from Ebay, but be careful ladies....before buying anything from online stores make sure that the seller is an honest one and an authorised seller of the brand, if not here are some tips how to spot a fake : )
Spotting a fake is actually very simple if you compare with real YSL arty rings
Above it's a fake YSL ring purchased from Ebay
& here is a real YSL ring
Take a look of both gold tones...the fake is a faded greenish gold whilst the real YSL ring has a textured gold-finish metal setting encases a brilliant glass stone.
& Obviously YSL rings come with a YSL box and a pouch!...altough in some cases when you buy second hands they may be listed as without a box.
Also, take a look at the ring itself the lower part is much higher than the replica.
& the textured details on the real YSL is more clear than the fake.
Should I say more?
Oh & one more thing..on the back of the ring you should have the brand's signature...